About Us
Hello! We’re James, Robert and Katie; we’re family, and we set up The Jump Digital School.
James (on the left) is our head of teaching and tech who taught at General Assembly for several years before co-founding the Jump. He’s also a professional Full-Stack Web Developer with over 15 years’ experience.
Robert (in the middle) worked in recruitment for around 10 years before moving into performance coaching. He’s also James’ brother and Katie’s partner so we are a true family business!
Katie (on the right) worked in financial services for 10 years including Management Consulting, Corporate Responsibility and HR. She is always thinking of ways to improve our processes and keep our students and partner organisations happy and engaged.
We Set Up The Jump Because:
1. Becoming a software developer lets you master the awesome power of tech. We LOVE helping our students harness that power to unleash their potential and access so many new opportunities.
2. Tech is changing the world. Many traditional jobs are disappearing. Coding skills are in huge demand and as a family, we don’t want anyone to get left behind.
3. The traditional ways for you to learn software development (e.g. full-time bootcamps, online resources, university) are often not accessible, in-depth or commercially-valuable enough, hence why there’s a shortage of skilled developers.
4. We want you to learn software development so you can make the jump to where you want to be. We have the skills and flexibility to offer a more accessible, in-depth and commercially-valuable programme, for you to do just that.
5. By providing this support, we can help you take control of your future and create a life that's fulfilling, flexible, and financially rewarding.
Our mission is, therefore:
To provide more accessible, commercially valuable, effective and in-depth professional software-engineering training, together with optional career-change support, to best equip you to make the jump into tech.
What The Jump Is:
✅ A family-run school: We treat you like a person not a number, and we’re dedicated to supporting you every step of the way
✅ Teaching you the tech that the market values and is looking for
✅ Only using instructors with significant experience as both developers and instructors
✅ Running smaller, more personalised cohorts, which are fully interactive
✅ Providing 1-2-1 support whenever you need it
✅ Providing dedicated career-change support if that’s your goal.
What The Jump Is Not:
❌ Teaching out-of-date or stagnating tech with limited market demand, like Ruby
❌ Using recent grads with very little experience as our bootcamp instructors
❌ Running large cohorts of 40+ students where you’re a small cog in a massive machine
❌ A large inflexible corporation focused on shareholders rather than students
❌ Selling you the myth of a job guarantee. They’re never what you think.